
Internet Video Solutions

Video Publication

With unmatched ease, and stunning quality.

Yes, publishing movies with Navicast is literally as easy and quick as, it takes less than a minute of your time.

Navicast completely automates the whole video compression and publication process. Video compression is done locally with a cross platform application called Navicast Studio. Once compression is complete the movies will automatically be upload the to the Navicast server and be available to all your viewers on the web, in iTunes, RSS-feeds, iPhones, iPods and other mobile phones and devices.

At the center of all Navicast video publication lies the Navicast Input API.

The XML based Navicast Input API holds a series of functions that are used to manage everything that has to do with video publication and management in Navicast.

Navicast Studio uses the Input API solely in all its communication with the Navicast server and the API can also be used to build any number of other custom publication or management tools or workflows.

The Navicast Input API documentation is available to committing Navicast clients.